Leaders in Training
Cabin Leaders in Training
The CIT program was created for our 9th-12th grade campers who have a desire to one day become Cabin Leaders for WorldSong. CITs will learn behavior management techniques, tips for sharing the gospel and receive intentional mentorship from the CIT coordinator.
Dates: ​June 12-16, 2023
Schedule: CITs will spend one hour each day shadowing a cabin leader in a camper’s choice activity specific to their interest, one hour will be spent in professional development session and then an hour of service projects. Their afternoon will consist of more in depth Bible study and learning the ropes of becoming a cabin leader. Each CIT will be assigned to a cabin where they will shadow and assist with meals, Bible study, free time and evening activities.
Application: Click Here
Leaders in Training
The LIT program was created to get our 8th graders ready for the Cabin Leader in Training program. The emphasis of the LIT program is to train our campers to be the best leaders and team players they can be before becoming a CIT. Completion of the LIT program does not guarantee you acceptance into the CIT program, but it does give us an opportunity to get to know you even better.
Dates: LIT Camp will not be offered this summer.
Schedule: LITs will spend one hour every morning in the LIT class learning about leadership and participating in team-building activities, their second hour will be spent participating and assisting at a camper’s choice activity, their third hour will be spent doing a service project. The LIT will assist their coordinators in the set up and clean up of meals. They will have Bible study and SOS just like a normal camper. During the afternoon they will rotate with a specific age group and be a role model for the younger campers while still getting to participate in the activities. The evening will be like a typical camper experience, but the LITs will have a special late night feature night specifically designed for them focusing on team building.